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Stray Living

Live the pampered life as a human or their pet, or, if you think you'll survive, be the stray you see walking down the street.
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Delsanti Reborn


 Amber and Daisy come

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Join date : 2010-01-06

Amber and Daisy come - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amber and Daisy come   Amber and Daisy come - Page 8 EmptyMon Mar 08, 2010 7:15 am

Daisy sighed and kept walking getting mad at the cat, she hated it.
Amber put the cat down and held on to Daisy's leash.
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Posts : 166
Join date : 2010-01-03
Age : 27
Location : Where I am

Amber and Daisy come - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amber and Daisy come   Amber and Daisy come - Page 8 EmptyTue Mar 23, 2010 4:11 pm

Liz meowed in laughter. "That reminds me.. I wonder how Jazz is?" She leapt from the human's soft palms and landed in the grass and sped off for her. "Yay~ I can smell her!"
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