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Stray Living

Live the pampered life as a human or their pet, or, if you think you'll survive, be the stray you see walking down the street.
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Delsanti Reborn


 Samantha returns to her parents' house with a stray

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Samantha returns to her parents' house with a stray - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Samantha returns to her parents' house with a stray   Samantha returns to her parents' house with a stray - Page 5 EmptySun Feb 07, 2010 3:38 pm

Akie licked her hand once before turning to the bags. She lifted her nose and sniffed at the bags.
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Samantha returns to her parents' house with a stray - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Samantha returns to her parents' house with a stray   Samantha returns to her parents' house with a stray - Page 5 EmptyMon Feb 08, 2010 12:37 am

I smiled and walked over to the bags. "Lemme guess... Jackson didn't feed you guys?" I rolled my eyes. "What a turd." I bit my lower lip and took out a bunch of cheeseburgers from McDonalds and a big fries and a soda. I unwrapped one of the cheeseburgers and broke it up inti bite-sized pieces and put a little in Rosco and Akie's bowls. I then unwrapped my burger and headed to the couch. "Let me know when you want some more." I called to them.

Rosco took a bit of the burger in his bowl and ate it. I then looked at Akie. "She rarely gives us dog food..." I said between swallows.
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Samantha returns to her parents' house with a stray - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Samantha returns to her parents' house with a stray   Samantha returns to her parents' house with a stray - Page 5 EmptyMon Feb 08, 2010 7:10 am

(ew-ness... mcdonalds? lol your not gonna believe this but i only ate from there twice in my life and this was over 8 years ago)
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Samantha returns to her parents' house with a stray - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Samantha returns to her parents' house with a stray   Samantha returns to her parents' house with a stray - Page 5 EmptyFri Feb 12, 2010 10:35 am

Akie quickly dug into her food and licked her bowl once she finished.

(i havent eaten there for a year-ish im proud of meh self! Very Happy)
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Join date : 2009-12-27
Age : 28
Location : Out of this world...

Samantha returns to her parents' house with a stray - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Samantha returns to her parents' house with a stray   Samantha returns to her parents' house with a stray - Page 5 EmptySat Mar 13, 2010 11:41 pm

(haha I hate mcdonds and I haven't eaten there in forever but I couldn't think of anything so that came to mind because my brother was eating it. Haha. I prefer Jack In The Box :X)

I licked my bowl clean and sat back on my haunches, licking my bulge of a stomach before padding into the living room. I looked at Sam with my big black eyes before turning around. There was another dog in the house now, and I couldn't be with Sam all the time, besides I was taking a liking to Akatse. I thumpe d my tail around before re-entering the kitchen. "What would you like to do now?" I smiled.

Sam saw Rosco peek around the corner of the couch with hesitation and nodded in understanding. Rosco was now surrounded by girls. He must be in heaven. Haha. Sam giggled at the thought before grabbing her Twilight saga book and blanket. Slowly she began to fade into a deep sleep on the couch, TV still on.
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PostSubject: Re: Samantha returns to her parents' house with a stray   Samantha returns to her parents' house with a stray - Page 5 Empty

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