Stray Living
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Stray Living

Live the pampered life as a human or their pet, or, if you think you'll survive, be the stray you see walking down the street.
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Delsanti Reborn


 Taylor buys her first house

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Posts : 313
Join date : 2009-12-27
Age : 28
Location : Out of this world...

Taylor buys her first house Empty
PostSubject: Taylor buys her first house   Taylor buys her first house EmptyMon Dec 28, 2009 9:17 am

Taylor: I smiled as I approached the little house in my car. It had the perfect amount of rooms and land. I smiled and got out of the car. My furniture was already inside, since I had been planning to move in here for a while. I opened the passenger seat door on the front. "Come, Chowder." I nodded as my "little" puppy ran up to the house and as I opened the door, bolted inside. I shake my head when he sees chickens for the first time and bolts after them, his floppy ears flailing around in the air. "Chowder!" I snapped, he instantly stopped and looked at me. "Come." I said smoothly.

Chowder: when my master called me, I instantly ran inside the house, because id I didn't listen, Id be put outside in the doggy pens tonight. I yawned as i walked inside the new house and sniffed around at all the scent. So many animals have been here!...I thought. I wagged my tail as I saw Taylor sit on the couch with a bag of chips. I narrowed my eyes and jumped up on the sofa. I set my head on her lap, and watched her eat the delicious, scrumptious, cheesy, chips.

Taylor: I shut the screen door as Chowder walked in, leaving the giant main wood door open. I snatched a bag of chips up as I sat down and turned on the TV. With a sigh, I relaxed my whole body, and just stared at the TV, perfectly zoned.
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